NAME: helen ^.^
TOPIC: Health/Leaders
TITLE: Congress Approves Child Nutrition Bill
AUTHOR: robert pear
Main topic:
Congress Approved the nutrition bill to set the standard of school lunches/food. The bill passed with the vote of 264 to 157. Although the bill was passed many are having debates on where to get the money in order to pay the bill. Michelle Obama lobbied the bill because she believed that childhood obesity should be dealt with by the schools. Rosa DeLauro (the democrat of Connecticut) supports the bill because it will replace the unhealthy food with nutritious food. But the Co-chairmen for the house hunger congress (Mr. McGovern) states that hunger and obesity are one in the same because high calorie foods are cheaper than healthy food. (which equals people eating empty calories and more people have hunger and obesity problems). Also The republican of Georgia ( Paul Bron) says that overall it not about the health of the children but it is about how Washington is taking more control and in doing so spending more money which leads the children into greater debt.
In conclusion congress passed a bill to raise the standards of nutrition in schools. some people say it is good because it will get rid of a lot of problems facing schools like childhood obesity but others are saying it wont help because the government has no money to put into this bill and therefore they are putting all the future generations in debt.
I agree with the bill, I believe that if there was better in nutrition in kids' lunches, they would be able to focus better in school.
ReplyDeleteThis bill is a great idea. Many parents are busy and can't pack their children lunch everyday so they eat what schools give them.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with this bill. Making the school lunches a better nutrition will make it easier for them to focus on their classes better and not have to worry about being starving because their parent couldn't bring them lunch from home.