Thursday, December 2, 2010

Arsenic and Old Space: A Key to Life on Other Planets?


Posting Number: 2

Topic: Science/Technology

Title: Arsenic and Old Space: A Key to Life on Other Planets?

Writer: Allie Townsend

Publication Name: Time

Date of Publication: Dec. 2nd, 2010

Length: 458 words

This Thursday NASA announced its discovery of one of the oddest bacteria on Earth. Found in Mono Lake, California, these bacteria thrive on arsenic, which is usually toxic to all other organisms. Not only do these bacteria live in arsenic, but they also seem to consume or eat it, as well. When scientists cultivated the bacteria in very low levels of phosphorous, they seemed to live just as well. However, in all known organisms on Earth, phosphorous acts as an essential backbone to DNA, the life's genetic material. The new findings in this bacteria suggest that other forms of life may exist, not just the familiar carbon and phosphorous-based life forms. NASA's findings suggest that this new type of bacteria seems to substitute phosphorous with arsenic in their DNA, which, if true, would alter our concept of biochemistry and broaden our view of possible life forms. NASA is still probing with experiments and hopes to apply their findings to research in space, where life may exist without phosphorous.

In conclusion, NASA has discovered extremely unusual bacteria which thrives on arsenic, a toxic material, and also can survive on very low levels of phosphorous, an essential ingredient to life. NASA has interpreted the findings as a possible substitution of phosphorous for arsenic in the bacteria's DNA. Although research still continues, these findings go to show that a variety of different forms of life may exist, not just the carbon-based organisms we commonly call life. NASA is applying their new findings in the search for life in space, where other trace elements could prove to support other kinds of life.

Personally, I find that this discovery goes to show how much diversity we have on Earth. Although it would be very interesting for scientists to discover life in outer space, it is interesting enough just to find these bizarre life forms on our own planet. We definitely have not discovered all there is to discover in our own world, and I feel that it is absurd to start looking on other planets when we are just beginning to see and appreciate the diversity of nature on Earth.

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