Posting Number: 1
Topic: Health
Title: Can Athletic Drama Cause a Heart Attack?
Writer: Elizabeth Cohen
Publication Name: CNN
Date of Publication: September 20, 2010
Length: 430 words
Main Idea:
The Michigan State football coach, Mark Dantonio, had a heart attack right after his close win against Notre Dame. His team won the game in overtime 34-31. He experienced chest pain later and went to the hospital where they fixed a blocked vein in his heart. Doctors say that the game most likely did not cause his heart attack, but high stress and emotion can. Your body produces these hormones that make you have a "fight or flight" response. Those hormones make your heart work even harder. If you have a cardiac disease that you don't know about, its even extra stress sometimes causing a heart attack.
This is good to know. Most athletes play in high stress games that require extra work done by your heart because one it has to pump blood to your legs and arms as well as the extra stress due to the game. This may be the reason so many kids have had chest pains after certain games. High stress levels are definitely something everyone wants to stay out of to decrease their chance of a heart attack.
These days, athletes put their all into the sport of their interest, thus increasing stress levels abnormal than the norm. I agree that it's good to know that stress due to high performance can be a factor to a heart attack as it will bring awareness to stay out of high stress levels.