Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Health care provisions taking effect

Current Event Posting Number: 1
Topic: Health
Title: Health care provisions taking effect
Writer: Jennifer Gordon
Publication Name: St. Joseph News-Press (MO)
Date of Publication: 9/27/2010
Length: 251 words

Anthony Drummond of Anthony G. Drummond Insurance Brokerage Services in St. Joseph says "Insurance companies are moving as quickly as they can. The health care reform bill is complicated. They have a lot of changes to make." The federal health care reform bill that was signed into law in the spring made many changes. Insurance companies will now allow coverage for children under the age of 19 despite pre-existing conditions and will also give emergency services to a patient without requiring approval and without charging the patient with higher fees. Coverage also cannot be cancelled due to an employer's mistake on a health insurance application. Adults under the age of 26 are now allowed to stay on their parents' insurance until they find another carrier through an employer. Patients can also file an appeal for procedures that their health insurance refuses to cover for them. For most essential insurance benefits, patients will not have lifetime cap. Throughout this month (September), the Affordable Care Act has become effective nationwide. Those who plan to file for health insurance who are now permitted to do so under the changes can apply on the first day that the plan begins.

In conclusion, the federal health care reform bill has been changed to provide health insurance for a wider range of patients. Younger people are now allowed to be covered by their health insurance companies despite medical history, and also can stay on their parents' plan until they settle and make enough money to become independent with their own health insurance.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Finding on Malaria Comes From Humble Origins

Post No. 1
Topic Health
Title A Finding on Malaria Comes From Humble Origins
Author Donald G. McNeil Jr.
Publication Name NYTimes
Date of Publication September 27th, 2010
Words 952

Main Ideas: Dr. Beatrice H. Hahn of the University of Alabama has discovered after studying primate fecal samples over the years the the most deadly form of Malaria, the falciparum strain, originated from gorillas not chimps. It had been previously thought that Malaria came from the chimpanzees of Africa, not the gorillas. Though the discovery doesn't do anything to directly stop Malaria, it does however show that the virus could not be reintroducted back into the population if it were to ever be stamped out because it was from a mutated parasite in one gorilla from many many years ago. In 1932 Rockefeller Foundation campaign to end yellow fever that had lasted for 17 years because their scientists found out reintroduction of the disease couldn't be stopped, so this information is invaluable. Dr. Hahn studied 2,700 fecal samples from all over Africa to come to this realization. Ape Malaria has been studied to try to help with Malaria in humans since 1907. Dr. Hahn's finding was published last Thursday in the science journal, Nature.

Conclusion: Scientists are making progress in the fight against Malaria in Africa. Dr. Beatrice H. Hahn has been finding out more about this virus by studying its origins in apes. And through this study she has found that Malaria started in gorillas, not chimps and that reintroduction of Malaria would be highly unlikely if it was ever wiped of the face of the Earth.

U.S. Tries to Make It Easier to Wiretap the Internet


Posting Num. 1

Topic Science and Technology

Title U.S. Tries to Make It Easier to Wiretap the Internet

Author Charlie Savage

Publication The New York Times

Date September 27, 2010

Length 1,320 words

Main Idea

According to Charlie Savage of the New York Times, the Obama administration plans next year to release a bill that will force internet communication companies to allow government wiretapping. This bill, which should be unleashed sometime next year, is similar to the 1994 Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act, which allowed government surveillance of home and cell phones. The new bill, however, targets non-voice methods of communication, such as social networking sites (watch what you say on facebook chat!), email, IM, and other "peer-to-peer" communication services. It would force service providers to open up a "back door" to the government such that, if ever it was deemed necessary, the network could be accessed by the authorities. The idea stems from the failed interception of a drug cartel, because they used internet communication to stay off the radar and avoid detection. As general communication continues to move farther away from traditional phone networks and closer to the ever magical internet, government officials say they're "going dark" in terms of electronic surveillance. Criticisms have arisen both about the controversial breech of privacy and about the security risks involved in essentially cutting holes into encryption that could be potentially exploited by hackers, which happened to the prime minister in Greece. However government officials responded that the services in question don't have to remain unencrypted, so long as they can "...figure out how they can provide us plain text." Companies that refused to comply would be fined and penalized until they found a workaround.


The US government may soon pass laws forcing internet communication service providers to allow government surveillance. The law would force unscrambling, unencryption, and interception of numerous means of communication, including email, IM and social networking. This act is a controversial one, as it is arguably a breech of privacy and the potential security risks are unclear.

What do I think?

This issue is quite controversial. I can understand the necessity and definite advantages of this degree of surveillance, these interception techniques could prove invaluable in the face of crime. It seems also to be quite a step in the direction of big brother, perhaps too much an uncomfortable intrusion of the privacy of the average citizen. If done correctly and on a low enough scale, perhaps this could be a step in the direction of Jack Bauer efficiency counter-terrorism rather than 1984 totalitarian government, however, there's certainly a ways left to go before I feel comfortable with the FBI reading my text messages.


Blackberry's PlayBook Tablet

Edward Swernofsky
Current Event Post 1
Topic: Tech/Science
Title: Blackberry's PlayBook Tablet
Writer: Julianne Pepitone
Publication Name: CNN
Date of Publication:
Length: 343 words

Main Idea:

Apple's iPad has been doing so well financially that Blackberry developed its own product for the tablet market, the PlayBook. The PlayBook is smaller than the iPad and has twice the processing power with dual core processing. It also has four times the available memory, with 1 GB of RAM as opposed to 256 MB of RAM on the iPad. No one would want these kind of specs for their personal computer and the screen is really too small for doing any serious work or play. However, this is a breakthrough in a different market: the tablet market.
Tablets are much tinier than laptops and desktops and are designed that way to be able to be taken more places than laptops. To have two reasonable processors and a gigabyte of memory in such small devices
opens up much more flexibility for developers and those whose business revolves around easy access to the web no matter where they go. While quad-core laptops are currently hitting the market as the new best in affordable, dual-core tablets with more and more memory.
The PlayBook will be released in 2011 and is something of a gamble for Research in Motion. RIM's Blackberry Torch wasn't an instant hit, and RIM is hoping the PlayBook does better.

Computing power is getting better and better every year, manifesting in more and more convenient devices. The iPod Nano is an example of how small computers can become and still be fast. Intel supercomputers, with hundreds of processors, are examples of how powerful computers can become and still fit in a box. Now all sizes in between are being tested and produced. Computers have integrated into the lives of Americans and are still a growing commodity.


Health-care overhaul supports research on breast cancer in young women

Current event posting #1
Topic: Health
Title: Health-care overhauld supports research on breast cancer in young women
Writer: Michelle Andrews
Publication Name: Washington Post
Date of Publication: September 27th, 2010
Length: 740 words

Main Idea:
Even though breast cancer is rare in women under the age of 45 it is still a serious and deadly issue. With the new health care reform in place there are now new laws that require the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to create a new education program about breast cancer awareness and prevention for young women. The laws also require the National Institutes of Health to create more effective screening and detection tests to diagnose breast cancer. $9 million dollars per year will be given to do so from now until 2014. Of the 250,000 women in the united states diagnosed with breast cancer per year in the United States 10% of them, or 25,000, are under the age of 45. This number is not insignificant and needs to be considered greatly. When young women are diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 40 their survival rates are 83% compared to 90% for women 40 and above. This is probably due to late diagnoses in younger women so therefore the cancer has been growing for longer and is more aggressive. Mammograms for all young women wouldn't be cost effective so therefore the new funding will go to making a better and cheaper way of screening.

With the new health-care system in place the new funding for detecting breast cancer in young women and educating young women about prevention and screenings is going to work. With 25,000 women under the age of 45 being diagnosed per year it is nothing to be taken lightly. New technology for screenings and detection and better preparation and awareness is what is going to change the rates of breast cancer in america.

FCC heralds a new era of 'super Wi-Fi'

First Name: Stephen

Current Event Posting Number: 1

Topic: Technology and Science

Title: FCC heralds a new era of 'super Wi-Fi'

Writer: John D. Sutter

Publication Name: CNN

Date of Publication: September 15th, 2010

Words: 966

A. Super Wi-Fi is or what the US Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski calls it “Wi-Fi on steroids”. This new type of Wi-Fi may spark a new technological revolution in the US. It is capable of allowing Wi-Fi signals to travel much larger distances, go through walls and carry more information. Currently the FCC is already testing the concept of super Wi-Fi in different places. The commission says they will bring broadband internet to a school in rural Claudeville, Virginia and add a public Wi-Fi network in Wilmington, North Carolina using super Wi-Fi. By freeing up the Wi-Fi spectrum, we can use the internet at much faster speeds and at further distances from hotspots. It is said that using five or so super Wi-Fi hotspots can provide internet service to a small downtown area. However, it will take two or more years before it is available for consumers.

B. In conclusion, the FCC is freeing up the Wi-Fi spectrum to create super Wi-Fi which is capable of providing internet access to places that don’t usually receive Wi-Fi. The super Wi-Fi is capable of going through walls; travels longer distances and transmit larger amounts of information at faster speeds. The FCC says that super Wi-Fi can start a new technological revolution in the near future.

C. In my opinion, I believe that super Wi-Fi can be beneficial to everyone because now we are able to communicate over the internet with efficiency. Also it can provide internet to places that don’t have it like Africa. I believe the super Wi-Fi has great potential to be the greatest invention in the next few years.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Can America regain 'momentum' in fight against AIDS?

Post #1
Topic: Health
Writer: Phil Ghast
Publication Name: CNN
Date of Publication: September 25, 2010
Length: 807 words

A. Main Idea:

Aids awareness has recently gone down in America, specifically in gay or bisexual men. Approximately one out of five gay men have HIV and almost half of them do not know. In the past five years, the number of people who have heard about AIDS has gone down from 70% to 45%. Only 17% of people ages 18 to 29 have said they are concerned about getting AIDS. However, the rate of HIV is increasing only among gay or bisexual men. Many do not realize what a threat HIV is. Many also have to face other other problems, such as discrimination, which are obstacles for them in receiving better health care. The White House has decided that the U.S. need to specifically address and help these groups in order to lower the overall national rate of infection.

B. Conclusion
Over the past few years, AIDS awareness in America has gone down, but the rate of infection has been going up, specifically in gay or bisexual men. Obstacles such as discrimination can prevent them from getting the proper health care they need. In order to help lower the HIV rate, The White House has decided that they need to help educate and promote awareness these groups.

US military suicide prevention efforts fail-report

First current event blog posting
Topic: Health
Title: US military suicide prevention efforts fail
Writer: Maggie Fox (Health and Science editor)
Publication Name: Thomas Reuters
Date of Publication: 9/23/10
Length about 583 words

Main Idea:
We all hear about the troubles that US military members go through once they come home. A lot of them develop post traumatic stress disorder which is caused by traumatic events, much of the time relating to death or threats of death to themselves or people they know. According to the report 1,100 servicemen and women committed suicide in 2005 to 2009 which is about one suicide every day and a half. The Army's suicide rate doubled in that time. There are approximately 1.9 million U.S. service men and women that are deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Army, Air force, Navy and Marines created suicide prevention programs to counter these problems. On the ground prevention training often failed because those running the sessions did not understand the importance of the programs. Some of the problems is that many service men don't come in to get help, and a lot of them do not trust the military programs / organizations to be able to help them. Many Marines, troops who seek mental health services can lose their security clearances, their weapons and can be taken away from duties vital to their careers if they do go seek help.

Many military members that come home from battle do not get the help needed to return to their lives before war. Much of the problem is caused by training (programs for help) failure, and system failure. Many people who do suffer from post traumatic stress disorder in the military, do not go for help simply because if they do they will be pulled from the military. This is a continuous problem since the US started fighting the wars, and dealt with quick and efficiently. The prevention programs must be taken more seriously, and more programs should be created.

Opinion: It will be important to set up a good base for these help programs especially with the increase of troops going into Afghanistan in the next few years, under Obama's new war plan. If this situation is not dealt with right, it could become an even larger problem. I think a base system for dealing with mental health in the military should be set soon.

Some Obama Allies Fear School Lunch Bill Could Rob Food Stamp Program

Helen ^.^
Posting number: 1
Topic: Health/Education
Some Obama Allies Fear School Lunch Bill Could Rob Food Stamp Program
Author: Robert Pear
Publication Name: New York Times
Date of Publication: September 23,2010

Main Idea:
Michelle Obama wanted to improve the nutrition in schools by spending more money on school lunch programs.The passing of this bill would allow the department of agriculture to set health standards for schools and allow children on medicaid to qualify for free school meals. Some People like Martha B. Coven (councilor on White House's Domestic policy council) say that it is good that people want to invest in schools and healthy nutrition for the future of America.
When the senate passed the bill in august a lot of people weren't in favor of it. Organizations including Catholic Charities USA, Food Research And Action Center, A.F.L-C.I.O and over 100 house Democrats supported the bill when it comes to nutrition but disagreed on funding the bill by taking away money from the food stamp program. Edward M. Cooney (director of the Congressional Hunger Center) says "It is wrong to take money from food stamps to finance child nutrition programs?....You are taking money from low-income people in one program and spending it on low-income people — maybe the same people — in another program."

People are in favor of the bill that is trying to fight childhood obesity and trying to provide better lunch for children but people dont like the fact that in order for children to get better lunches they have to take money away from the food stamp program.

Any alternatives to make this bill better in your opinion?

Back to school with bipolar? How college can unleash mania

First Current Event posting
Topic: Health
Title: Back to school with bipolar? How college can unleash mania
Writer: Michael Hoos
Publication name: cnn.com
Published on 9/21/2010
Length: 1,595

Main Idea:
Studies have shown that college students are highly susceptible to Bipolar disease. The academic stress, social pressure, and intense partying can cause students to develop the disease or for those who have it, it worsens. College life can be very tough on student at the beginning. It can be very difficult to make new friends and adjust to the work load, therefor students feel isolated and depressed and start to show their first signs of Bipolar disease. Without treatment, Bipolar disease can result in severe alcohol/drug abuse and even suicide. Although the disease negatively effects all of its victims, some Bipolar students thrive in college. When taking proper medication, finding counseling, and planning out a strict schedule, Bipolar students can function just as well as everyone else. In 2006, two different groups entered college with the same IQs and backgrounds, 50% of the healthy group received a college degree compared to only 16% of the Bipolar students. Students can find ways to deal with their disease by learning about their campus's health services and counseling programs.

The stress caused by entering college, and college life in general, has become a main cause of the development of Bipolar disease in many students. When dealt with properly, the disease can have little effect on students and are still able to succeed in college life. However when left untreated, Bipolar victims can resort to alcohol/drug abuse and even suicide.

I believe this is not something to be taken lightly. If the rate of Bipolar students continues to increase, colleges should set up some sort of special counseling. Similar to at Gunn, how we have counselors that are always available because of the tragedies that occurred last year.

url: http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/09/21/health.bipolar.college/index.html?npt=NP1

'I'm a survivor': Dozens run to benefit breast cancer research

First current event post
Topic: Health
Title: 'I'm a survivor': Dozens run to benefit breast cancer research
Writer: Olivia Neeley
Published on 9/17/2010
Publication name: Ebsco publishing
Retrieved from: ephost
Word Count=234

Main idea:

This article describes a breast cancer benefit run, where the money is donated to research. It occurs in Kings Mountain, and describes the community of breast cancer and one personal story of Detective Sgt. Lisa Proctor. A year ago growth rate of breast cancer was 98% and was the same time that Detective Proctor was told she had breast cancer. She describes her initial reaction as scared but also willing to fight. She states that when she received the news, she prayed to God for his help in her journey. She states that you can either fight it or just give up. A year later she states she is completely healed and 100% over her sickness. She states that if it weren’t for these benefit runs and the money that can be put to research, she probably would not be alive right now. She also states that the communities that prayed for her, gave her strength and helped give her the will to fight.


It is clear that donations and benefit runs help research in preventing breast cancer, but I feel like there should be more research done for this specific cancer. In some ways this disease could be more talked about and more discussed to help put an end to it. It is great that breast cancer runs are held to benefit research because it saves lives and helps people not lose hope.


Told to Eat Its Vegetables, America Orders Fries

Current event posting #1
Topic: Health
Title: Told to Eat Its Vegetables, America Orders Fries
Writer: Kim Severson
Publication Name: New York Times
Date of Publication: 9/24/10
Length: 726 words

Main Idea:
Americans are not eating enough vegetables. Recently, the company around America are investing millions of money for their new advertizement. One baby carrot company spent $25 million to reposition its product as junk foods. Other companies are selling crates of squash for auction at $1000 each. These efforts are for making America eat vegetable(it does not include fies). The government and health initiatiatives applied stricter dietry guidelines. The Farmers produced more crops due to better marketting of food. Despite all of these hard work, Americans are not eating Vegetables. In the recent Study, researchers concluded that only 26% of the adults in America eat vegetable 3 times or more per week. At restraunts, the salads are only ordered 5% of the time for each customers. The amount of vegetable the Americans eat is only a half of what public health official have hoped.
People do know that vegetable improves health. But unlike fruits such as apples, vegetables are not easy to grab and eat. Most people doesn't even know how to cook them. There are also people who thinks vegetables are foods that tastes horrible. These Americans eat fast food with tomato ketchup to take in scarse vegitable vitamins. To combat this fact, some food companies are producing vegetable products that can be cooked in few minutes in the microwave.

The Claim: Replacing Your Desk Chair With an Exercise Ball can Improve Your Posture.


Current Posting Number 1

Topic: Health

Title: The Claim: Replacing Your Desk Chair With an Exercise Ball can Improve Your Posture.


Publication Name: New York Times

Date of Publication: September 20, 2010

Length: 252 words

The Claim: Replacing Your Desk Chair With an Exercise Ball can Improve Your Posture.

It has become popular use an exercise ball instead of an office chair. Some are saying it burns calories and improves posture. A 2008 study says that you burn about 4 calories more per hour which translates to 30 extra calories burned on a typical workday. A British study from 2009 found that although short bouts of sitting on an exercise ball improves posture, after a while on the ball your posture is the same as it would have been had you been sitting in a desk chair all along. A Dutch study from last year found that workers sitting on an exercise ball have 33% more trunk motion as well as more muscle activity when compared with workers sitting in traditional office chairs. The downside, however, is that prolonged sitting on an exercise ball causes spinal shrinkage, according to this same study.

I would prefer to sit in a desk chair at work and do sports after work for exercise since sitting on an exercise ball burns fewer calories than running, playing soccer or even leg lifts or bouncing. Besides the decreased concentration caused by focusing on sitting straight on the ball, I would be nervous about my spine possibly shrinking.

Obama approval hits a new low

Current Event Posting Number: 1
Topic: Leaders (national)
Title: Obama approval hits a new low
Writer: Alan Silverleib
Publication Name: cnn.com
Date of Publication: September 24th, 2010
Length: 487 words

Main Ideas: Presidents Barack Obama is losing the trust of the public. Currently, 42% of the nation still approves of Obama and his handling of the presidency while 54% of Americans disapprove, and 4% are undecided, according to the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll. According to this poll, Congressional Democrats face a nine-point deficit when voters were asked which party they would follow in the November midterm election. Non-partisan political analysts believe that the Republicans have a good chance of acquiring the 39 seats in the House of Representatives that they need to regain control of it. 56% of Americans believe Obama is not living up to their expectations and only 34% say they are more likely to vote for a congressional candidate if they are supported by Obama, while about half of voters claim that they will vote for a candidate supported by the Tea Party. Although they are voting for the Republican party, half of those voters say they are doing it to oppose the Democrats rather than to support the Republicans.

Conclusion: Obama's support may be dropping, though the same situation occurred for Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, and Jimmy Carter in September of their second years in office. Obama faces the troubles of dealing with public worries about the delicate economy, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his failure to live up to the majority of the public's expectations, which all tie together to show his low support among the nation. Though Republicans face many troubles as well with their lack of true support for the party and lack of agreement for tax cuts among the rich and the less fortunate. Overall, it seems that both parties are lacking support for their representatives' positions and neither party can produce candidates that the public actually agrees with rather than gaining support through the public disagreeing with the opposing candidate.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Report: Alzheimer's disease causes global financial burden


Current Event Posting Number: 1

Topic: Health

Title: Report: Alzheimer's disease causes global financial burden

Writer: Miriam Falco

Publication Name: CNN.COM

Date of Publication: Sep 21st, 2010

Length: 471 Words

MAIN IDEAS: On September 21, which has been designated as World Alzheimer’s Day, Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) would publish a report based on Alzheimer Disease. According to last year’s report, about 35.6 million people would be living with some form of dementia, which includes Alzheimer disease in 2010. This estimated number of patients would by doubled in 2030 and tripled in 2050. This year, the report focused mainly on the costs of medical care, services provided by family members for dementia patients. The report calculates that the total cost for care would be $604 billion, which equals to the GDP of the 18th large country, and about most of the cost occured in Western Europe and North America mainly. The United States has the highest cost, more than $48,000, of caring for a patient with any form of dementia. While in some South Asian countries, only $903 was cost. Johns, the president and CEO of the Alzheimer’s Association, said that the U.S. government spends annually $6 billion on cancer research, $3 billion on HIV/AIDS that all have saved many lives. However, the National Institutes of Health funds annually $469 million for Alzheimer research. ADI is calling on all governments to take actions to recognize dementia as a health priority, to invent protections and treatment plans, and caring services for people with dementia. The increasing population of people with dementia has challenged many governments, but many countries have national Alzheimer’s plans, such as the National Alzheimer’s Project that has been introduced by the Congress in the U.S.

CONCLUSION: Many governments have been challenged with the crisis about the increasing populations of people with any form of dementia. At the same time, the costs used for caring dementia patients have also become an essential issue for governments. Governments and organizations are taking actions to raise awareness, to research for more preventions and finally to reduce the population number and the costs.

Medicaid Changes Delayed Until January

Post #1
Topic: Health
Writer: Knezevich, Alison
Publication Name: Charleston Gazette
Length:about 740 words

Main Ideas:
State health of Virginia officials of Medicaid and the Dept. of Health and Human Resources are putting off the transfer over 10,000 programs and 55,000 people to managed-care programs. They changed the transfer date from Nov. 1st to Jan. 1st. The officials claim that this delay will ensure a "smooth transition" for the members and health-care providers. They will transfer the 55,000 people to three different companies: Carelink, The Health Plan, and Unicare. Also, 160,000 people who receive cash assistance will not be transfered to these companies until January 1st. This change along with adding SSI beneficiaries will cause the state to have to pay an extra 300$ million to help pay for the people needing cash assistance. On the other hand, the new program help the state predict the expenditure of Medicaid so they can adjust accordingly. The new programs also claim to help Medicaid recipients manage chronic diseases and eliminate unnecessary visits. They will also give all of their patients an overall examination to check for untreated and undiagnosed issues. Many people support this integration of behavioral health and medical care at a low cost.

Conclusion: This delay of switching over to the new beneficial programs is criticized heavily. Many doctors and dentists claim it would cause "administrative headaches". This switch could also cause recipients to loose access to the programs if not enough health care providers join because they switched too late. People also worry that the transfer could affect the quality of the services as the transition is being made. It is also a worry to the state which is in debt already and now has to add another 300$ million each year to its payments to the companies. People want evidence that Medicaid programs are going to do what they promised and give good health and behavioral care for a low price.

Opinion: I think it is good that the state is paying money for those who need the financial assistance. Also, if the quality of health care and accessibility will be affected if the members are switched over later, they should switch them as soon as possible. If, on the other hand, it will make it significantly more smooth transition if they wait, I think they should wait. But Medicaid should get the opinions of it's members before the company makes a final decision on when the changes should be made.

Braley Chides Senate for inaction on food safety bill OK'd by House

Posting Number2
Topic: Health
Title: Braley chides senate for inaction on food safety bill OK'd by House
Writer: Nelson, Josh
Publication name: Waterloo-cedar Falls Courier (IA)
Date of Publication: September 23, 2010
Word Count: about 440 words

Main Idea: Bruce baley, a Democratic congressman from Iowa, criticized the Senate for not passing a health bill regulation bill that could have prevented a large outbreak of salmonella in eggs at Iowa farms. The bill could have reduced the chance of salmonella or other food-born illnesses by increasing the FDA's powers to inspect workplaces and enforce their regulations. The House had passed the bill earlier; however, the bill was shot down in the senate.

Conclusion: Therefore, a few of the owners of egg companies apologized for the contamination and promised for better sanitation in the future. However, some exercised their Fifth Amendment Right and declined to testify to the Senate Committees. Without this necessary reform for a uniform standard in food production, another Large-scale outbreak of disease and another large scale recall of products is inevitable

Obama Announces New Foreign-Aid policy

Posting Number1
Topic: Civil Rights
Title: Obama Announces New Foreign-Aid policy
Writer: (anonymous, Qatar news AgencyDistributed by UPI)
Publication name: Arabia 2000
Date Of Publication: September 23, 2010
Word Count: about 316 words

Main Idea: Barack Obama wants a new American Foreign Policy. In a statement on Wednesday at the UN summit, he stated that there are still many countries strcken with poverty with barely any standards for a decent life. He also stated that within this global economy of today's world, helping these countries progress will not only be for the interests of them, but also for the worlds as a whole as their advancements will help build upon the world economy as a whole. He wants the American government to lead the world in trying to aid these countries. Some of his goals include bettering the overall life of the peoples living in those countries and combat corruption from the governments of those countries. He also stated that people should not abandon those in need of help
Conclusion: with this mind, the Obama administration will use this foregin policy to try and help all those countries in need. He will try to get other countries to help him in trying to better the situations of these countries and one of the methods he will use is by making the government of these poverty-stricken countries better. This will not only make the situations of those in the poor countries better but also for those around the world as their prosperity will help the prosperity of the rest of the world.

Computer Simulations of Real Earthquakes Made Available to Worldwide Network

Posting Number 2
Topic: Technology/Science
Title: Computer Simulations of Real Earthquakes Made Available to Worldwide Network
Writer: (anonymous, Science Daily staff)
Publication Name: Science Daily
Date of Publication: Sept. 24, 2010
Word Count: 988

Main Idea:
Jeroen Trump, a professor of geosciences and applied computational mathematics has developed a technology with his research group that has the ability to tell in advance which locations will be most affected by the earthquake hours before it actually hits. These virtual simulations are produced by a complex computer that are based on seismic activity recorded during previous earthquakes, such as that of Haiti in Jan. 2010. The 3D simulations are created by mathematically computed predictions involving surface motion, velocity/acceleration, displacement, and topography of the affected area. They are made available to scientists everywhere through the data center of the IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology). These computer models will help scientists better understand the nature of earthquakes as well as alert them about crucial information on upcoming earthquakes (such as depth, intensity and range/location). The team hopes that information about the targeted areas can help produce faster and better responses to earthquakes- something that has proved a problem in the past.
Conclusion: A research team from Princeton University has developed and distributed a new technology that virtually simulates the effects of an earthquake. The computer models the earthquake using seismic data from previous earthquakes and applies it to predict the disaster-areas of future ones. This technology will be invaluable in preventing the disastrous after-effects from earthquakes all over the world.
Opinion: The global trend is seeing more and more natural disasters that take away thousands of lives every year. I am glad that new technology is now being developed to help achieve countries everywhere prepare for the inevitable occurrence of earthquakes and reduce their disastrous after-effects.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Price of Free Speech

Posting Number 1
Topic: Civil Rights
Title: The Price of Free Speech
Writer: Sean Gregory
Publication Name: Time Magazine (printed)
Date of Publication: October 4th issue
Word Count: Around 2,800

Main Idea:
The legal battle of Snyder v. Phelps (of the Westboro Baptist Church) will finally reach a decision in the Supreme Court on Oct. 6. Phelps, the founder and leader of the Westboro Baptist Church is well known to the media and public for his numerous "anti-gay", "anti-US soldier" and "anti-America" picketing ventures with his family and followers across the US, and more specifically, at various military funerals. Albert Snyder, father of the deceased Corporal Matthew Snyder, sued Phelps in March of 2006 when the Westboro Baptist Church protested at his son's funeral. The following year in October 2007, the federal jury found Westboro members liable for intentional infliction of emotional distress and invasion of privacy, awarding Snyder a total of 5 million dollars for compensation and damages. Two years later, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned this verdict, arguing free-speech protection for the protesters and forcing Snyder to pay the Phelps $16,500 in legal fees. Aside from public outrage, this instigated a long-term battle over free speech rights and the question of "where to draw the line?". So far, attorneys general from 48 states and a 1988 Supreme Court decision to ban picketing at private residences support Snyder's rights to hold a peaceful funeral. However, the ACLU, free-speech advocates as well as numerous media organizations support the Westboro's claim on the first amendment. There have been other supreme court decisions in the past that also support Westboro Baptist Church, such as one in which neo-Nazis were allowed to rally in Skokie IL (a city home to many Holocaust survivors), or another in which the court declared that a KKK leader could freely practice hate speech at a rally. Finding legitimate violations of law for Phelp's actions has been difficult as well: the use of messages that say, "God hates you" or "God hates the U.S.A." are often too vague to be defined as libel and are completely protected by religious and personal freedom. of expression Despite the overwhelming public support and sympathy for Snyder, his claim is yet to be resolved and he faces a great challenge in getting the Supreme Court to limit free speech- a decision that has rarely been made in the past.
Conclusion: In summary, the long anticipated verdict of "the limits of free speech" will be settled on two weeks from now in the Supreme Court. On one hand, the vast majority of the public and state legislation supports Snyder, a victim of the Westboro hate group. On the other hand, previous Supreme Court decisions mainly support Phelps along with media organizations who will be also be restricted in their entitlements to the first amendment if the decision is ruled in favor of Snyder.
Opinion: As a student of a school that was personally affected by the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church, I can deeply sympathize with Al Snyder- a man who was forced to passively endure the hurtful messages of Phelps' group; messages that cast a permanent mark on the living memory of his son and desecrated the ceremony intended to honor him. What is more incensing is the fact that Phelps has reaped an enormous amount of profit from taking advantage of people like Snyder and enjoys doing so, as was made clear by his interview from the Times. I greatly admire Snyder for his brave efforts and persistence in bringing this group to justice and ending the reign of Phelps' "psychological terror" upon innocent people who are already impacted by the presence of one tragedy in their lives. I hope for the best in the final verdict and that the Supreme Court will find a way to preserve free speech while restricting the hurtful actions of hate groups such as the Westboro Baptist Church.

Value of College Degree is Growing, Study says.


Posting number: 1


“Value of College Degree is Growing, Study says.” by Tamar Lewin

New York Times. Sept 21, 2010

1 page 541 words

In a recent study conducted by College Board, it turns out that college really does help in the long run. Because the cost of higher education has skyrocketed in the past years, many are debating if college is really worth the investment. Will it really pay off to invest in 4 years of costly education? The answer is yes. The report says that after around 11 years of work, college graduates’ will compensate for the four years in college. However the study shows that workers with a college degree earned much more and were much less likely to be unemployed than those with only a high school diploma. The median earnings of full-time workers with bachelor’s degrees were $55,700, which was, $21,900 more than workers that only graduated from high school. Among those ages 25 to 34, women with college degrees earned 79 percent more than those with high school diplomas, and men, 74 percent more. Even during the recession, a degree offered protection from unemployment. The 2009 unemployment rate of college graduates 25 and older was 4.6 percent, compared with 9.7 percent for high school graduates.


Although the current recession is slowly decreasing, jobs are extremely hard to find. With that less families are making the income to sustain a child in a four-year college. However according to College Board, taking that chance will be worth it. College graduates will be hired because they will beat out the competition.


On the other hand, College Board is a company that thrives off of making test materials for college bound high school kids. It is only natural for them to back a college education in order to bring business. So it really comes down to the situation of each child. If a college education seems worth the investment and if the statistics are convincing enough maybe it’s the better choice.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Several Health Care Reform Provisions Begin Thursday

Current Event #2
Topic: Health
Title: "Several Health Care Reforms Begin Thursday"
Author: Los Angeles Times Reporter
Source: Los Angeles Times
Date Published: 23 September, 2010
Word Count: 1696

A. Main Ideas

Starting this Thursday, Insurers will no longer be able to deny coverage to young children because of pre-exsisting conditions, 4 million small businesses will become eligible to provide health insurance, 4 million seniors will begin receiving $250 checks to cover gaps in their coverage and more. Young adults, such as 22-year-old Tamisha Jackson of Towson University, will also be able to return to their parents health care plan if they cannot afford for their own coverage. At her university 8/10 students are uninsured. Though many young adults plan to remain uninsured, the government believes that 2 million young adults out of the 50.7 million current uninsured Americans will return to their parents plan in 2011. Also, 72,000 children will gain coverage. In addition, many insurance companies such as BlueCross, Atena, Humana and more have extended their own policies.

B. Conclusion

The United States is beginning to implement the programs described in the recently passed historic health care bill. These programs are intended to provide more extensive and more reliable health care programs for all Americans regardless o r age or need. Many Americans are currently uninsured which is risky as accidents could happen at any time. As of today, they are provided with more options to allow them to gain health care insurance. The idea outlined in the health care bill are now becoming a reality.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Despite Setbacks, Gay Rights Move Forward

Current Event #1
Topic: Civil Rights
Title: “Despite Setback, Gay Rights Move Forward
Author: John Schwartz
Source: New York Times
Date Published: 21 September 2010
Word Count: 1055

Main Idea:

The federal Defense of Marriage act and California's Prop 8 have been recently declared unconstitutional by federal judges. The next question for Gay Rights activists is whether a majority of the Supreme Court justices will agree with the lower federal courts' decisions. An earlier case, Lawrence v. Texas, provided an ambiguous result to issue of weather the government should recognize gay marriages. Justice Kennedy stated in the majority opinion that "autonomy of self" prevents the government from discriminating against a person based on sexual orientation. Though he did not specifically state an opinion on weather gay marriage should be recognized by the government, dissenters pointed out that this was the implication. This case is expected to come up in future arguments, which provides a needed tool for gay rights activists, as there is very little in the Constitution to specifically support their argument.


Activists have taken important steps in the fight for gay rights, yet much is still left undecided. A lot rests on the court's interpretation of the opinion stated in Lawrence v. Texas. When the court clarifies the opinion it will shape the new decision. Many regulations have been passed or revised in order to gain rights for gay couples but many more remain.

Monday, September 20, 2010

“Pastor weighing plans to burn Qurans amid U.S. warnings”

Current Event #1
Topic: Civil Rights
Title: “Pastor weighing plans to burn Qurans amid U.S. warnings”
By the CNN Wire Staff, CNN, September 7, 2010. 1515 Words.

Main Idea: Terry Jones, the pastor of Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, has announced his plans to burn Qurans in protest of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. However the U.S. military is strongly against such actions, warning that burning the sacred book of Islam would cause serious problems for American troops in Afghanistan. According to General David Petraeus, it burning the Quran “could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort in Afghanistan.” Jones knows that the action is offensive, but is trying to get a message across to the radical element of Islam, not the moderate Muslim who is welcomed in the United States, that he must stand against Islam because it teaches that Jesus is not the son of God, and leads people to hell. Plemon el-Amin, the imam of a mosque located in Atlanta, Georgia, disagrees with Jones saying that if Jones had ever read the Quran, he would know that “he’s going to burn a book that has some of the most beautiful passages about Christ Jesus throughout, as well as Moses, Abraham, and all of the prophets he reads about and says he follows in the bible.

Conclusion: This plan, if followed through with, could lead to serious repercussions for America, by angering many Islamic groups around the world, with a protest occurring outside the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, to show dislike of the planned Quran burning. Terry Jones will have to decide soon whether to follow through with such an outspoken act of anti-Islam, and if the message he is trying to send is worth risking the lives and well-being of the many troops stationed in Afghanistan.

Opinion: I believe that this is not just an act to promote a faith that believes in Jesus as the savior, but as a singular targeting of Islam. If Jones really believed that he was considering burning the Quran because Muslims don’t believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God, then he would have to be fair and go after Judaism as well, seeing as one of Judaism’s main principles is that Jesus is not the Messiah, and that he has yet to appear. But yet we do not see any planned Torah burnings. This burning is fueled by more than just belief in Jesus, but by hate, fear, and ignorance of Americans, and it’s time the United States opened its eyes to see that you can’t blame the entire faith of Islam for the attacks of 9/11, and that it’s time to move on and accept that what happened on that day is not to be blamed on every single Muslim and their faith.

Can Athletic Drama Cause a Heart Attack?

First Name: Cat
Posting Number: 1
Topic: Health
Title: Can Athletic Drama Cause a Heart Attack?
Writer: Elizabeth Cohen
Publication Name: CNN
Date of Publication: September 20, 2010
Length: 430 words

Main Idea:

The Michigan State football coach, Mark Dantonio, had a heart attack right after his close win against Notre Dame. His team won the game in overtime 34-31. He experienced chest pain later and went to the hospital where they fixed a blocked vein in his heart. Doctors say that the game most likely did not cause his heart attack, but high stress and emotion can. Your body produces these hormones that make you have a "fight or flight" response. Those hormones make your heart work even harder. If you have a cardiac disease that you don't know about, its even extra stress sometimes causing a heart attack.


This is good to know. Most athletes play in high stress games that require extra work done by your heart because one it has to pump blood to your legs and arms as well as the extra stress due to the game. This may be the reason so many kids have had chest pains after certain games. High stress levels are definitely something everyone wants to stay out of to decrease their chance of a heart attack.

Recession officially ended in June 2009


Topic: Economy
Title: Recession officially ended in June 2009
Writer: Chris Isidore
Date of Publication:

Main Idea: According to the body in charge of watching the economy, the recession is over. However, many are still worried about a "double -dip" recession, when there are two major downfalls in the economy, one after the other. Fortunately, the National Bureau of Economic Research released information that showed that the economy had clearly risen after last year's summer. The depression that occurred from December 2007 to June 2009 is the longest and worst depression America has faced since the Great Depression. NBER acknowledge the possibility of having a double0dip recession occur, but they said that if it did happen, it would be a new recession rather than a continuation of the on that started in December. Both Obama and NBER agree that just because the economy is rising back up, it does not mean it is in good shape, and it does not mean that there is a lot of economic activity. NBER is known to examine their data very carefully and very thoroughly. As a result, they take quite some time to give their opinion. This means that when they do give their opinion it is often accurate and reliable information that people can believe in. That's why many are so positive that it did in fact end in June of 2009.
Conclusion: Overall, the economy is still in danger of having a double-dip recession, but economists are more optimal about it not occurring then they were before. It will still take quite some time for the economy to go back to what it was before and many people are still jobless, but there is a steady increase in the overall economy, so while it may seem that the economy is still in recession for a majority of people, economists have given enough facts to show that the recession is clearly over.
Opinion: In my opinion, the recession is still very real for many people even though it is technically over. The results of this recession will last for much longer than I think people are predicting, and it makes me worried about the conditions of people who live in poorer areas. The recession may cause more side effects that have not shown up yet, such as an increase in homeless people and a decrease in family size. The recession in my mind is not over.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Under FDA rules, labels will be mum on genetically modified salmon

Posting Number: 2
Topic: Technology/Science
Writer: Lyndsey Layton
Publication Name: The San Jose Mercury News
Date of Publication: Sept. 18th, 2010
Length: about 560 words

Summary: The FDA is currently under much political pressure to decide on the labeling and approving a species of genetically altered salmon for human consumption. If allowed in the American food market, AquAdvantage salmon would be the first genetically modified animal approved for human consumption. If the salmon is approved, other genetically modified animals such as cows, pigs, and other fish would be more likely to be approved as well. AquAdvantage salmon have a gene from the 'ocean pout' and growth hormones from Chinook Salmon and grows twice as fast as other salmon. However, agency scientists say they have observed no biologically relevant variations between the modified and traditional salmon. According to the FDA, they can only require labeling of a product if it is somehow different from the conventional product, such as in taste, texture, allergen, or nutritional component. Biotechnology industries say they are opposed to the idea of labeling products as they believe that the labels will confuse the average citizen who is not well educated on genetic modification. A debate will be held with a separate panels for approving the salmon and another for labeling the salmon.

Conclusion: If the FDA approves the genetically modified AquAdvantage salmon, the fish could spark a trend in American food sources. Other areas such as the European Union and Japan require labeling of genetically modified foods and there is little to no demand for such products. Consumer advocates are worried about the consumers' rights saying that people want to know such information and should have the right to know. Much of our plant based food products like corn, wheat, tomatoes are already genetically modified. However, in the future, other types of food products like meat and dairy could be as well.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Altered Movie Poster Puts the Spotlight on a San Francisco Agency’s Gun Ban

Posting Number: 1
Topic: Civil Rights
Title: Altered Movie Poster Puts the Spotlight on a San Francisco Agency’s Gun Ban
Writer: Malia Wollan
Publication Name: The New York Times
Date of Publication: Sept. 5th, 2010
Length: 477 words

Currently images promoting guns are banned by the San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Agency. Recently, posters for the film "The Other Guys", starring Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell, had been altered to comply with San Francisco's gun imagery ban. Across the country, billboards for this film show the actors with guns in each hand. However, on posters in San Francisco, the two actors are shown not holding guns, but instead pepper spray cans. After learning of this, Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, had sixteen posters promoting the group's gun rights policy conference put up in San Francisco. The poster features a woman armed with a shotgun, and the red bold print reads, "A violent criminal is breaking through your front door. Can you afford to be unarmed?” The posters were installed last week in many bus stops. “We were prepared to go to court and sue if they did not put them up,” Mr. Gottlieb said. “Having a gun is a constitutional right.” Paul Rose, a spokesman for the city’s transportation agency, said that after the gun group’s posters went up, the city decided to take another look at its policy. The agency is now reviewing their policy in light of the recent June 28 Supreme Court decision in McDonald v. Chicago, in which the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 that the right to bear arms guaranteed under the Second Amendment applied to state and local gun control laws.

In conclusion, the San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Agency's policy of banning gun posters will probably be reconsidered and changed. A gun rights group in the area showed its outrage when they learned that a movie poster with guns had been altered in San Francisco. Additionally, the recent Supreme Court decision does say that the Second Amendment applies to local gun control laws, so something will have to be done about that.